Teaching & Learning Lab

Herfstfestival 2021

Tijdens het Herfstfestival van 2021 was het centrale thema Het onderwijs van morgen, met als subthema Flexibel Onderwijs. Keynote spreker Arthur Bakker nam ons mee in zijn onderzoek naar de motivatie van studenten, met speciale focus op de anderhalf jaar corona-onderwijs. Hij pleitte voor een ‘Pedagogy of Care’, waarin de (mentale) gezondheid van studenten, leerlingen én docenten een belangrijkere rol moet gaan spelen.

Na de introductie en officiële opening van de Hybrid Active Learning Classroom, waren er een tiental online, fysieke en hybride workshops beschikbaar waarbij we bezig gingen met de vraag wat er moet worden behouden en veranderen in het onderwijs ten opzichte van de vorige twee college- en lesjaren.

Het was een mooi festival, met ruimte voor directe toepassingen, discussies en brainstormen over hoe we het onderwijs samen vormgeven.


Programma Herfstfestival 12 november 2021

Tijd Activiteit
12:00-12:15 (Online) inloop met een hapje en een drankje
12:15-12:45 Opening en keynote Arthur Bakker
12:45-13:00 Officiele opening Hybrid Active Learning Classroom


13:15-15:00 Workshopronde 1                               13:15 – 14:00                Workshopronde 2


Workshopronde 3

Workshopronde 4

De workshops

Ronde 1 | 13:15 – 15:00

[collapse title=’W1 | EN – Hybrid learning: Big help or big hype? – Jasper van Winden and Annet van der Riet’]

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in some far reaching developments in teaching and learning. Maybe one of the most concrete and conspicuous is the hybrid classroom, which enable students to follow classes from home or on campus. While the most serious consequences of the pandemic will wear off over time, the hybrid classroom might be here to stay. This brings a new color to our palette of choices for educational design that requires further exploration. What are the risks and opportunities of hybrid teaching and learning after COVID? Is active and equivalent learning possible in a hybrid setting? How can thoughtful design of the learning space and hybrid facilities improve the learning experience for both students on campus and from home?

Jasper van Winden and Annet van der Riet from Utrecht University will shed their light on these questions and more during an interactive workshop from the Hybrid Active Learning Classroom at Utrecht Science Park.

Online via MS Teams


[collapse title=’W2 | NL – Inzet van de fysieke ruimte: Spelen met een Learning Plaza – Laurien Jansen en Len Dijstelbloem’]

In de vroegere kantine van het Minnaertgebouw komt een Learning Plaza: een ruimte waarin zowel formeel als informeel leren plaats kan vinden.
Tijdens deze workshop van Future Learning Spaces gaan we ‘spelen’ met een Learning Plaza. We starten met een korte introductie over Future Learning Spaces en actieve uitwisseling van ideeën over de fysieke leeromgeving. We onderzoeken vervolgens in groepjes welke leeractiviteiten en welke inrichtingen geschikt zijn voor een Learning Plaza. Tenslotte bouwen we met LEGO ontwerpen van hoe jij de inrichting van zo’n ruimte graag zou zien. Wanna play?

Op locatie


[collapse title=’W3 | EN – The Living Pasts – Toine Pieters and Tim Overkempe’]

The Living Pasts course is a Utrecht University course, in which bachelor’s and master’s students get the opportunity to uncover the rich history of Utrecht, using raw historical data and digital technologies. The students are challenged to validate, combine and visualize historical data across disciplines, focusing on a particular geolocation across the centuries. The end-product is in the form of a smartphone application (VR, AR, game or visual novel) will be reviewed by external partners and stored on the living pasts platform. During the workshop at the TLL Autumn festival we will dive into the possibilities of such interdisciplinary and practical courses, focusing on the challenges and the benefits that may arise.

Online via MS Teams


[collapse title=’W4 | EN – The Science Games: Open-Ended for Transdisciplinary Challenges – Ivar Troost & Simon Dirks’]

Let’s shape tomorrow: Complex problems in society require a transdisciplinary approach. The Faculty of Science is developing The Science Games to encourage students from different disciplines to work together in solving these issues – in collaboration with stakeholders and experts in- and outside the university. During this offline hackathon, you will experience first-hand what it is like to join forces and face the challenges of the future. Along the way we will share lessons we’ve learned in deploying designing-as-learning in our classrooms, and how this impacts the social contract between teachers and learners.



[collapse title=’W5 | EN – Combining forces for transdisciplinary education – Karin Rebel and Annet van Royen’]

Eindhoven University of Technology, Wageningen University & Research, Utrecht University and the UMC Utrecht are combining their strengths by joining research and education on global societal challenges such as climate change, sustainability, health and food. In this joint education, these societal challenges are central, and societal partners are invited to share their experience with and knowledge on the topic. With the increased focus on- and development off- online education, such collaboration has met an increase in possibilities. Students, teachers and societal partners alike can follow courses from multiple locations, making cross-university collaboration more accessible. But when does such collaboration have any added value? When is the whole greater than the sum of its parts? During the workshop by Karin Rebel and Annet van Royen, participants are welcome to discuss and experience what is needed in both design and development of cross-university challenge based courses.

Online via Barco



Ronde 2 | 13:15 – 14:00

[collapse title=’W6 | EN – Re-building my classroom with Teams – Bert Le Bruyn’]

In this (online) workshop, I provide an introduction to the functions of Teams but I also present my attempts at making teaching at home feel more like teaching in a classroom. I’ll go over a number of possible soft- and hard-ware additions to your home office and illustrate what they can do for you in your online Teams (or Zoom) classroom. After this workshop, you’ll have a good understanding of the basics of Teams and you’ll have a fair idea of how you might want to prep or extend your home office for online teaching.

Online via MS Teams


[collapse title=’W10 | NL – Werken aan professionele ontwikkeling: Bepaal je eigen behoeften – Marlies ter Beek ‘]

Je herkent het misschien wel: tijdens de lockdownperiode ben je succesvol overgestapt op online onderwijs, maar je hebt het gevoel dat het soms misschien nog wel wat beter kon. Of je wilt nu de overstap maken naar blended onderwijs, maar wel goed beslagen ten ijs komen. De zone Docentprofessionalisering van het Versnellingsplan Onderwijsinnovatie met ICT ontwikkelde de Toolkit Bouwstenen voor Effectieve Professionalisering. Deze toolkit kun je gebruiken om je eigen behoeften rond professionele ontwikkeling op het gebied van ICT overzichtelijk en bespreekbaar te maken. In welk onderwerp wil je je verdiepen? Wat heeft je interesse? Wat heb je daarvoor nodig, bijvoorbeeld vanuit je leidinggevende? Wat zijn voor jou belangrijke randvoorwaarden?

In deze online workshop gaan we aan de hand van een Mural de bouwstenen uit de toolkit verkennen. In een uur komen allerlei effectieve bouwstenen aan bod en bepaal je welke voor jou het meest waardevol zijn. Dit kun je vervolgens gebruiken om bijvoorbeeld te communiceren met je collega’s, je leidinggevende, of iemand van HR.

Online via MS Teams



Ronde 3 | 14:15 – 15:00

[collapse title=’W7 | EN – Online collaborative learning – Jeroen Jansen’]

A lot of educational institutions, both in primary-, secondary-, and higher-education, are contemplating the role which online education should and could play in our educational systems. One of the big questions involved is how, with usage of online education, we can still make sure that students feel part of a community.

During the workshop by Jeroen Jansen we will dive into the difficulties and possibilities of online community creation and collaborative education. How can collaboration between students contribute to their feeling of belonging, and how can such collaborative learning methods best be applied? What should we take in mind when facilitating online-collaboration and what is the teacher’s role therein?

Online via MS Teams


[collapse title=’W11 | NL – Van toetsen onderwijs maken – Allard Strijker’]

Meer geïntegreerd en ontwikkelingsgericht toetsen, dat is waar Saxion zich in de toekomst op richt. Daarbij is het holistisch beoordelen een belangrijk onderdeel. Maar kun je alle basiskennis, vakspecifieke en generieke vaardigheden geïntegreerd toetsen? Hoe kun je dat geheel aan vaardigheden en kennis toetsen in realistische beroepssituaties en vraagstukken? In de workshop kijken we naar de mogelijkheden van formatief evalueren en ontwikkelingsgericht toetsen. Hoe gaat dat in de praktijk en wat zijn knelpunten en mogelijke oplossingen. Kunnen we de kracht van bestaande toetsvormen meer ontwikkelingsgericht inzetten? Hoe kunnen we van toetsen onderwijs maken?

Online via MS Teams



Ronde 4 | 15:15 – 16:00

[collapse title=’W8 | EN – Engaging Students in Virtual Classrooms – Grace Ebron’]

Although the global pandemic drove all of us unexpectedly–and perhaps, reluctantly–to online classrooms, instructors discovered ways to create an engaging and enriching learning experience for themselves and for their students. In this session, we will explore strategies that increase participation and engagement for students in online learning environments. Along the way, we will work with free and easy to use tech tools that will enhance our online teaching presence and create a vibrant and active learning space that highlights student-teacher collaboration as well as support formative assessments.

Grace Ebron works at the University of California Berkeley, creating curriculum for writing courses and providing coaching and training for faculty. Grace is a graduate of UC Berkeley and the University of Kent (UK). She is completing a doctoral degree in education at the University of California, Davis where she also co-teaches an interdisciplinary course on race and genetics. Her dissertation focuses on the educational attainment of first generation college students; she hopes to conduct research on the educational experiences of immigrant communities in the Netherlands.

Online via MS Teams


[collapse title=’W9 | EN – Lessons from the pandemic – Ralph Meulenbroeks’]

As the global COVID-19 pandemic forced education to go into a state of emergency online education in early 2020, academic discourse quickly came to focus on the new situation and what could be learned from it in order to improve education. The present presentation gives an overview of the discourse on, mainly higher, education during the pandemic in publications that appeared in the top-50 journals on the Clarivate Education list in the period April 2020-May 2021. Five main themes were identified: affect, teaching practice, teaching context, achievement and assessment, and equity.

Online via MS Teams
